Film Crew Fees Calculator Motivation:
- The rating is determined on the basis of the minimum hourly wage set by the Dutch government and is revised every six months.
- The bandwith of the reward scale follows a 1:5 ratio starting from the age of 23, with juvenile wage compensation for those younger than 23.
- The rating formule is build up by the factors function, experience, education and the number of chargeable days per year.
- The result is an internationally adopted weekly rating, with a 60 hour week button indicates also a 6 day working week.
- Currency conversion and rating are based on the daily exchange rate and the yearly Economist 'Big Mac Index'.
- While efforts have been made for precision, the authors cannot be held responsible for errors due to inappropriate exchange rates and indexes.
- All rights to this application are reserved by 'Stichting Film Crew Fees' in Amsterdam.
- The app just serves as a tool to determine a fair wage, and, if you happen to earn more, feel free to.......... smile ☺
- This website exists solely to provide information about the Film Crew Fees Calculator and does not utilize cookies.
- Information entered through the mail function is used exclusively to enhance the app.
- The ‘Film Crew Fees Calculator’ app is free of charge.
Despite the care with which this app has been compiled, there may still be differences compared to common reimbursements in your region. We appreciate your recommendations or comments, which you can send to .